Using This Time to Channel Creativity

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Using This Time to Channel Creativity

The idea of being creative right now may seem overwhelming. Perhaps you have recently become unemployed or are worried about how sickness could affect you and your family. In times like these, creativity could potentially be seen as frivolous and unnecessary. However, focusing on creative endeavors can help lower stress, relieve boredom, and even potentially help you earn some extra income during the many hours you spend at home.

In this busy twenty-first century, it isn’t often that we are presented with an opportunity to get bored. If you are feeling an abundance of “ennui” and are out-of-sorts, consider revisiting your old hobbies and interests. Perhaps you loved to play the clarinet in middle school band but you haven’t touched an instrument in the last decade. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to paint but never had the time to gather supplies and learn painting techniques.

Now is the perfect time to bring to mind those bucket list items.

Painting – Research the supplies you will need for the type of painting you want to do (watercolor, oil painting, acrylic, etc.). Order them from an online company to have them delivered to your doorstep. Consider ordering from a local art store to support local businesses at this time. Search YouTube for how-to videos for beginners. A great place to start with acrylic painting is the Art Sherpa.

Woodworking – Maybe you’ve spent enough time polishing your coffee table in the last month to realize you actually hate the design. Why not use this time to practice your woodworking skills? With home improvement stores around the nation still open, you can purchase lumbar, saws, paints, and other woodworking materials. Visit the Spruce Crafts for tips on how to begin simple woodworking projects.

Writing – Have you always had an idea for a bestselling novel that you are sure others would love? Maybe you’ve never found enough time in your schedule to sit down and do it. Why not use this time to outline your story and get started on that first chapter? If you are unsure where to begin, you can use the NaNoWriMo site. This group is known for encouraging participants to write a novel in a month.

Language – Did you know that learning a second language provides benefits such as performing better on standardized tests? If you’ve daydreamed about a summer in Paris for the past few years, now is the perfect time to brush up on your French. You will be ready for a conversation when traveling is possible. Try using an app like Duolingo to get started with the basics.

Crocheting – If you are on a limited budget and need to send a friend a birthday gift, you should explore learning to crochet. Surprise your friends with homemade purses or simple blankets. This needlework is one of the easiest to learn, as it involves just one hook, as opposed to knitting which can take up to four! All you need is a ball of yarn, a crochet hook, and a guide for your project. A book like this one can help you get started.

Let your creativity flow, as you may not get this much downtime again. Share your projects with your friends, and you can even teach them a new skill!

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